Today is Amalya Nathaniel’s 2nd Birthday and his 2nd Heaven Day. This year I decided to keep things simple and just write a letter to my sweet boy:
My Dear Amalya Nathaniel –
Happy 2nd birthday in heaven, sweetheart! I want to take a moment on your special day to let you know how proud I am to be your momma. The Lord had amazing things in mind when He created you. Your life, although it was brief, had a mighty purpose. I can’t even begin to explain how much of an impact you have had on others. Although your daddy and I have greatly missed watching you grow over the past two years, and it is heartbreaking not being able to see you as a two year old reaching new milestones, I must say it has been incredible to watch as your legacy grow by leaps and bounds and learn about new milestones medicine has reached because of you.
Little boy, you have filled my heart with so much joy and have enriched my life in countless ways. I never tire of sharing you with others and I continually thank the Lord for entrusting you to me. I want you to know that I miss you very, very much and I look forward to the day when I get to see you again. Until then, I will love you as much as I can from here and keep you close to my heart. No matter how many years pass, you will always be my special boy, my precious work of the Lord, given by God.
Happy 2nd Birthday Son!
With All my Love –
Your Mommy

